Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm bringing sexy back~

My sexy, sweaty back.

Kidding bout the sexy part. =x

This was taken at Urbanscapes in KLPAC while I stripped in public.... Kidding again!
I just took off my overall/loose shirt/I-don't-know-what-to-call-it cause the place was really hot and I was sweating.

To be honest, this is just another fill-in post/ I'm-too-lazy-to-write-up-a-proper-entry post Dx

But I can say that I went to JR's friend's Pageant competition which was held all the way in Klang Parade... and then a lot of things came along and I think I'm gonna have a really bad sore throat from all the laughing....

Seriously. Their level of FUN is SO NOT my level of fun. Fun is an underestimation for their context of fun. Its called crazy. Like, crazy/psychotic/random moments all jumbled up and you have hours of crazy-laughing-sessions; to the point where your stomach is just gonna burst open if you laugh any further. That's how serious their FUN is.
Or probably it was just my age....

Anyhow, shall update after I get my much needed sleep...

To end this short-random post, shall bribe you people with the photo of the pretty lady to stay tune~ くふふふふふ


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